Why the Shift in the Focus of My Interior Design Service?

First-hand experience! In recent years I have shifted my interior design service to work with the population of clients who are 50+ and are looking forward to their best years ahead.  Their family is in transition, and their current home no longer reflects their new needs.  They are looking for a fresh “look and feel” to their home; one that will support them for the long term.

With over thirty years of design experience, I have a very clear understanding and appreciation for the needs and wants of these clients.  After all, I am a member of that population.  We have fewer financial responsibilities and can begin to focus on ourselves for the long term.  We appreciate quality over quantity.  We know what we want, and we are less influenced by what other people think.  I am very excited about working more with these independent thinkers.

To learn more about who we are and what we do for our clients, please click here.

~ Carol

Carol Woodard, ASID – Woodard and Associates

Website:  www.WoodardAndAssociates.com

Email Carol@WoodardAndAssociates.com