To Start or Not to Start Your Home Remodeling Project

Knowing the right time to start a home remodeling project is a decision as individual as the leaves on the trees. As I look out my office window, I see the maple tree starting to show new buds. It reminds me that spring in right around the corner… A time for new beginnings. With this new season, I see that while some people are still cautious about getting started on significant remodeling projects, most area residents are becoming quite optimistic about their financial futures.

As a founder and active member of the Silicon Valley chapter of NARI (National Association for Remodeling Industries), I have the opportunity to keep a very close eye on the building industry. More and more people are saying… “Enough is enough! I don’t want to wait any longer!”

Spring is a Great Time to Start a Home Remodeling Project

If you are serious about doing a remodeling project, this is the perfect time to start. If you have done this before, you know that it takes more time than you might have imagined. The more details that you have and the more materials that you can specify, the more confident you can be that you are working with an accurate bib. This certainly helps make the project more enjoyable.

If you would like help putting together the team, pleas let me know. I have worked with some of the absolute best in the industry.

Carol Woodard, ASID – Woodard and Associates

