Today You Have Many Choices in Sustainable Flooring

Choosing an earth-friendly, sustainable flooring option for your home is very easy these days. In choosing to be kind to the environment, you also make your home attractive, low maintenance, and comfortable.

Sustainable Flooring – Five Great Choices

  1. Cork – Easy on the feet and good noise insulators. When harvested cork does not kill the tree, allowing future growth.
  2. Bamboo – A renewable grass and a great alternative to hardwood. It grows to nearly 80 feet tall in only 5 to 6 years and is equal to oak in hardness.
  3. Linoleum – Common more than 50 years ago and are seeing resurgence due to its earth-friendly composition (linseed oil, wood or cork powder and ground limestone), low-VOC emission and long lasting good looks.
  4. Salvaged or Reclaimed Wood – From bridges, farms and old structures can be reworked into beautiful flooring and finished with water based finish.
  5. Green Carpet – Made with either renewable sources such as corn or recycled plastics. A recently introduced nylon carpet fiber is recyclable into new carpet once you decide it’s time to replace it!

Joan Slaughterbeck – Slaughterbeck Flooring

