Here’s to great New Year of Home Organization

Before we launch into a great home organization tip, I’d like to take a moment to wish you and your family a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. I know that most of us are looking forward to a new year and what better way to do that than to get organized. Last weekend, I was in one of my favorite stores, an organizing store. The other store is a hardware store—well actually Nordstrom would be top of the list—but I digress. The store was packed with shoppers with the same idea.

 That made me think about an organizing product that I recently came upon. I was at a conference in Dallas, and I met Debbie Meyer. She is the developer of a product called Green Bags®.

Home Organization Calls for Boxes as Well

green_boxes1In addition to the bags, she has a line of containers for food. These, I particularly like. They were designed to preserve food for many days longer than just putting something in the refrigerator.I had the chance to talk to Debbie at dinner one day and she was telling us how she came upon this product. She was a homemaker with a large family, and she became frustrated by the amount of food she would need to throw out every week because of spoilage. Long story short, she researched what the large container trucks were doing to preserve the food as they drove their products across country. She then took this information and developed a product which she patented and now calls Green Bags®.Her marketing story is equally fascinating, but you can purchase the Green Bags® when you go to

BEFORE Debbie Meyer’s great solution, I never bought bananas because they have a perfect shelf life measured in hours. Now I can get them and keep them for five or six days, and they are just the way I bought them. I love it. I think that you will too.

Carol Woodard, ASID – Woodard and Associates

